Trucks And Cranes
Organizations exceptional transport
​On this page you will find information about companies and organizations that directly or indirectly have something to do with heavy transport, crane rental companies and everything that has to do with it.
Partnerships (KVN)
BigMove AG Spezial- und Schwergutlogistik
Bundesfachgruppe Schwertransporte und Kranarbeiten (BSK) e.V.
Verband der Ausnahmetransportbegleiter (VATB) - Zwitserland
Swedish Mobile Crane Association
Associazione Nazionale Noleggi Autogru e Trasporti Eccezionali
Vereniging van Belgische Kraanverhuurders (VBKV)
Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Pracodawców Transportu Nienormatywnego (OSPTN)
TDKv - Customized crane load charts & equipment guides for crane hire,access hire & heavy haulage
Guidelines and Safety
Tower Cranes Directive - Tower Cranes Committee of the Equipment Contact Group of the Netherlands.